


  • Criminal law and proceedings
  • International mutual assistance
  • Fight against money-laundering
  • Fight against fraud
  • Domestic and international proceedings


French, German, English, Luxembourgish


André Lutgen

Avocat à la Cour - Partner

During my long experience in defending company directors in criminal proceedings, I have found that behind each business manager there is an individual with his own feelings and awareness. We need to accompany him, acting as a legal professional throughout proceedings, which are often much too long, while supporting him during the personal upheaval that marks this period, which is often perceived as a life-changing experience.

In business litigation, listening is the only means of understanding what is the real problem confronting us, which enables the identification of the appropriate remedy. The solution of the problem, as envisaged by the client, is frequently inappropriate, and my professional ethics forbid me from acting as a “procedures merchant”.

Curriculum vitae

  • Admitted to the Bar of Luxembourg, 1973
  • Partner, Lutgen + Associés, 2011
  • Partner, Lutgen & Mc Gaw, 2004 – 2011
  • Partner, Assa, Lutgen, Schaack, 1993 – 2004
  • Magistrate: Deputy Public Prosecutor, Judge, First Judge, Investigating Judge, Leading Investigating Judge, 1978 - 1993
  • Member of the Administrative and Disciplinary Council of the lawyers at the Bar of Luxembourg and Diekirch since 2003, and President of the Administrative and Disciplinary Council since 2015
  • Representative of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), 1989 - 1993
  • FATF assessor for Belgium, 1993
  • Degree in Law - Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, 1972


  • Member of numerous ad hoc commissions appointed to produce legal and regulatory texts
  • Member of the Committee of Jurists in the Commission for the Surveillance of the Financial Sector (CSSF), 1994 - 2007
  • Member of the International Lawyers Network (ILN)

Recent publications and events

  • Lutte contre le blanchiment - compliance”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 5 juin 2019
  • Lutte contre le blanchiment - compliance”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 30 mai 2018
  • Fraude fiscale - questions pratiques suite à la circulaire CSSF du 17 février 2017”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 19 octobre 2017
  • Lutte contre le blanchiment - compliance”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 17 mai 2017
  • Lutte contre le blanchiment pour avocats, experts-comptables etc.”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 18 octobre 2016
  • L'infraction de blanchiment au Luxembourg: Poursuites, responsabilité et sanctions”, Conférence, ACA, Luxembourg, 4 octobre 2016
  • “4ème directive anti-blanchiment : quelles nouvelles responsabilités et sanctions? Analyse de la jurisprudence”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 24 mai 2016
  • Lutte contre le blanchiment  état des lieux et futur”, Conférence, Association des compagnies d’assurance et de réassurance (ACA), Luxembourg, 30 November 2015
  • Quelles évolutions jurisprudentielles en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment  ?”, Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 19 mai 2015
  • Le banquier face au risque penal”, Table ronde, Association luxembourgeoise des juristes de droit bancaire (ALJB), Luxembourg, 5 mai 2015
  • “Recent developments of case-law in the field of anti-money-laundering and lessons to be learnt from past cases, Conference, IFE, Luxembourg, 11 December 2014;
  • Echanges d’informations: quels sont les risques pour les professionnels? Comment rendre le GDL plus compliant?” Conférence, IFE, Luxembourg, 17 juin 2014
  • Les procédures de saisies et de perquisitions dans les études d’avocat et du traitement des incidents possibles”, Conférence, Barreau de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 7 mai 2014
  • L’entraide judiciaire pénale internationale et quelques autres aspects pénaux transfrontaliers”, Conférence, Barreau de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 14 janvier 2014
  • Compétence juridictionnelle internationale”, Association Européenne pour le Droit Bancaire et Financier (AEDBF), Genève, novembre 2012